KEA Blog

KEA Engineers and Education

Written by April Duncza, Marketing & Sales | May 29, 2020 5:14:17 PM


For some students this (unconventional) school year is ending, but for KEA Engineers any time is a good time for the MEP/FP engineering of Educational projects.


From childcare to charter schools to college campuses and beyond, KEA Engineers has extensive experience with the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection design of educational facilities. Building codes play a vital part of the design process, as they are ever changing, but KEA stays current with these codes.

One educational project that KEA Engineers continues to be proud to be a part of is Lifetown located in Livingston, NJ. Lifetown is a 53,000 square foot center catering to the needs of all children, teens and adult with special needs. LifeTown’s goal is to provide students with an immersive, real-world environment where they can practice critical life- and job-skills.  To learn more about Lifetown or to donate, please visit

Another successful Educational project for KEA Engineers is the design of Lightbridge Academy locations. Lightbridge Academy provides early childhood education & daycare, illuminating young minds. KEA has designed MULTIPLE sites for Lightbridge across New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. We've enjoyed our partnership with the architects that bring these Lightbridge Academy locations to life. 


For more information about KEA Engineers or to see additional Educational projects, visit


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